
My friend takes everything I love!!!

I told my friend at school about my obsession with the PSP last week and he comes up to me today and tells me that he just pre-orderd one. You can't imagine how I feel because he does this all the time. Last year I was my obsession was with ninjas and thats all I talked about for weeks. Then he comes and tells me that he's just signed up for a ninjitsu class. I'm starting to think that he's doing this on purpose. But hey, what are ya gonna do? At least I'll get to play with his PSP before I can get mine.


Makin money 4 the PSP!!

Lately all thats been on my mind is the Sony Playstation Portable. I want it so bad, but the only delima is I have no money. So the solution thhat I came up with is to make t0 make money by any means necessary by March 24th (the day that the american PSP comes out). The price of this excelent handheld gaming machine is curently $250. I plan on making that in less then 15 days (I start this weekend). Does anyone have any ideas on how I can make the money? Talk to you later!!


This is my first blog.

This is my first blog.
I don't know what to say.