
Half Life 2

This is going to be the first game that I gonna get when I get my Computer. It's called Half Life 2 and the graphics look sick.


More on Infected

I read up some more on the game infected for the PSP, and it looks awsome. The basic gist of the game is when you play in two-player mode (via Wi-Fi), and beat your opponint, when they go back to single player, instead of fighting the zombies, it'l be your character they have to fight, and it unlocks all of the previous levels that they've allready beaten and they have to replay them. But if they don't want to waist time replaying their games, rthey could beat someone else in two player and pass your virus on to them. It sounds complicated, but oh-so fun.


Prey for XBOX 360

This game looks pretty cool, it's called Prey, and it'le be avaliable when the XBOX 360 hits shelves. http://media.xbox360.ign.com/media/744/744397/vids_1.html

This game reminds me of the book Enders Game, because the aliens look like how I imagine the Buggers to look like.


Killzone 2

I saw this on IGN the other day and thought it was worth posting, so I'm posting it: http://media.ps3.ign.com/media/748/748475/vids_1.html

The graphics on this game are great. I can't wait to get my hnds on the Playstation 3, which is offically $450 as of Q1 of 2005, (time to start saving up)


LOST Part 2.

I still can't stop talking about LOST. It was such a great episode. I'm glad that I taped it, so I can watch it over and over nd over again. The reason that I like it is because it has a lot of the edge of your seat action that I love. y friend said that they should make a movie of that show, but I think it would be a little cheezy. The part that really dissapointed me was that they didn't show the "Island Monster". I was hoping to see it for the finale, but they only showed a glimps of it. Another thing I hate is the fact that they left you with 2 huge cliffhangers: The never-ending hatch, and when Walt got kidnapped by those weird people.



I wached the LOST finale last night and it was great. Everyone that knows me knows that I'm in love with the show. I have this friend who never wached LOST because she thought it would be a stupid show, even though I allways begged her to, but when she saw lasts night's episode, she said she wished she had listened to me before and she'll buy the DVD on the first day that it comes out.


This is the One

I finaly found the perfect notebook. It just came out this month. The first place I saw it at, it costed around 2,500. Then I went to the Dell store online and found it for 1,600. I just saved my ass 900 bucks. It has a DVD bunner and an external T.V. tunner. It also can record T.V., so I won't have to worry about missing an eppisode of LOST. It says to see the full potential of of the Dell Inspiron 9300, you have to get a game like Half Life 2, or Doom 3. So here's the link to the best thing that;s ever happened to me: http://reviews.cnet.com/Dell_Inspiron_9300/4505-3121_7-31351063.html


New Notebook

I think that I mentiond in a previous post that I'm going to be getting a summer job. After the summer's over, I'm looking into getting a notebook computer. I want to get one that's good for games and has a DVD-RW+ drive so I can burn my own DVDs. If anyone knows of a good and affordable notebook, please let me know.


Heavenly Sword & Infected

This is going to be the first game that I'm going to get when I purchace my Playstation3:


And when I get my PSP after summer break, (I'm getting a summer job!!), I'm gonna get Infected: http://www.gamespot.com/psp/action/infected/media.html


Playstation 3 price???

Rumors have been circulating the japanese net that the PS3's price will be somewhere around the price range of "less than 5000,000 yen" which is like $465 USD. That is one expensive ass machine. But what really gets me excited is the Nintendo revolution: http://cube.ign.com/articles/522/522559p1.html.
Nintendo said that it will be the ultimate backwards compadable console, with the ability to play 20 years of gaming history. It will be able to play NES SNES N64 and Gamecube, not to mention revolution games.


First PS3 info!!!!!!!!!

The first pictures of the Playstation 3. Looks freakn' sweet!!! Just follow the link:


Xbox 360 links

I know it's been a long while since I my last post, but I've been busy with school and things like that. Anyways, Ive found some cool links about one of the most anticipated next generation gaming consoles. I'm talking about the uber-cool Xbox 360. Here's two cool links with some info about this powerhouse:
