
I've Started the Infection Before the Game

I've told about 6 people allready about the videogame Infected and they said it sounds great and that they will buy the PSP and the game by the time it come out in the fall. So what that basically means is that's 6 people that have my virus and are going to spread it to the masses, and soon the world will be infected with my virus.

No Internal Hardrive for PS3

Here's an article about the PS3 not having an internal hardrive...because any amount of capacity would be to small because it would be constantly updating to make it bigger. So they're going with a swappable hdd.


Death Jr.

The game Death Jr. Is going to be a crazy big franchise. Konami is not only planning on making a PSP video game, but they also have plans to release figurines, a comic book and even a fuul length movie. I here a lot of good things from this game and I think I'll check it out when the game is released.


This Sucks

Another one of my rich-ass friends from my school got a PSP. The reason that it sucks is because he didn't even want the damn thing. He said that he sort of likes it and he might sell it. This really pisses me off because I was the first kid at school to find out about it, and I love it, and I'd probably sell my NES for it (I know that sounds crazy). Anyways, I finished ranting, now off to finish re-reading Eragon.


I love Nitendo

Well, Nintendo has done it again. They've won me over to come crawling back to them on my knees, and appolegizing for doubting them as a company. They are offering FREE Rom's that come built in with the Nintendo Revolution. They sure do know how to win their customers back.


GTA: Liberty City Stories

Here's a link to some leekd pics of the much anticepated GTA PSP game that everyones been waiting for. I've never been a to big fan of a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series (Mostly because my parents thought that it was to violent), but I think I may give this game a try after I get my PSP.


Laptops Out-Sell Desktops

I just thought that this would was an interesting story. It's cool because it shows how we're moving into a wireless era and pretty soon nothing will be stationary and even have prtable microwaves and houses with wheels.


Icy Tower Hack

On the popular computer game, Icy Tower, my friend Justin made his own character. He made 3 different ones: Naruto, Sasuke nd Rock Lee. It's pretty cool. He taught me how to do it and I tried to do it at my house but it came out all messed out. Maybe I'll get him to write me a tutorial and I'll post it here.


Rite Aid

As I stated yesterday, I went to a few supermarkets in my area, and tried to get some applications to work durring the summer. Every place that I went to said "No, you're to young". But the last place that I went to (Rite Aid) said sure, and the best part about it is it's in walkng distance of my house.


Applying for a Job

I am planning on applying for jobs at some supermarkets around where I live durring the summer so I can be able to afford the nice things that I want; things like the PSP, or the Inspiron 9300, and lets not forget the Playstation3. So wish me luck with my new venture into the adult business world!!